She currently resides in NY and I miss her terribly. Here's a handful (maybe 2 handfuls) of my favorite memories of ours, in honor of her birthday. Happy Birthday, Kitten! I luh you.
I reserve the right to add to this list as I deem necessary.
-The first night we truly bonded: deliriously throwing M&Ms at sleeping Sunnie.

-The Beatles.
-Moulin Rouge.
-Sharing music.
-Taj= Pokemon.
-Painting our faces.
-Our ghetto voices.

-Dat haunted house.
-Weekly Battle Plans.
-"Domestic daydream."
-Stealing each other's clothes.
-Using tiny dishes and cutlery.
-Grilled cheeses at the hospital.
-Her glorious eyebrow expressions.
-When we'd write each other stories.
-When we played pretend all the time.
-Gifting each other with tiny presents.

-Dressing up as the band Kiss for Halloween.
-Our ambition to be back-up singers for Elvis.
-How freaking adorable Taj looks in an apron.
-Reading peoples' FB comments with varying voices.
-When I made Taj's FB status "I PEE EVERYWHERE."
-Elvis in the car. And all the time and everywhere.
^^ "Just a hunka hunka burnin' love-- WAaaaAAAaahhHH!!"
-Adding money to our "Adventure Fund" (have yet to use it)
-Telling each other fantastical stories before we went to bed.
-When she put fake rose petals on my bed on Valentine's Day.
-Sitting in the middle of the street in the wee hours of the night.
-When Taj posed as a model for my six-photo series "Death suits you well, darling."
-Meeting Nico Vega, eating the yummiest of sandwiches, and receiving free cookies because the waiter had the hots for Taj.
-When Taj painted beautiful masterpieces as I happily finger-painted like a small child.
-Being there for each other through the crappiest of timez.

-Going on the wrong night to the Area 51 club. And telling ponytail dude we were UVU students with diff names.
-When we would lay in our beds and sing random songs at the top our lungs.
-Sharing a passion for White Oleander, Down With Love, and Moulin Rouge.
-That weird crouching thing she did because she knew it made me feel weird.
-Our Pinterest summer board. Infinitely more awesome than our actual summer. Although summer was great. But nothing comes close to that dang Pinterest board, man.
-That time we wanted to buy kittens, and saw the flier up at Macey's for free kittens, and I saved the phone number in my phone as "cat lady."
-Calling her whenever I was cold and bored, walking home from school, and in need of a story.
-Getting grossed out by overly-affectionate roommates and their respective bfs.
-Discussing our relationship issues and discovering that we are both robots.
-How we always dreamt of having a "gang" like the kids in That 70's Show or Scooby Doo.
-Saying "Yeah, guys. Yeah." as if we had a huge group of friends around us, when it was just us.
-When we created our own new $$ terms: $1= a scoop. $5= a chunk. $10= a wad. $20= a carton.
-That day we went to Salt Lake and visited Matt, who is the best host of them all. We walked away with meaningful gifts and inspiration to fulfill ALL THE LIFE DREAMS.
-The music our white Zimbabwean friends showed us, &the killer dance moves that accompany it.
-Abstaining from desserts//receiving cupcakes//smearing them on our faces since we couldn't eat them.
-When we'd google creative date ideas, but just do the activities together, rather than with dudes.
-When I'd sing "Kitten, I lo-ove you. That's all I have to offer" in the style of that one Saturday's Warrior song.
-Sitting on the floor of the game room with Mike, turning the lights off and letting the mystical color ball entrance us.
-When we were delirious and I'd do that thing where I pushed up her bangs all suddenly and dramatically. And busted up laughing every time.
-The fact that our skull decorations, Henry and Henrietta are in a relationship. (They miss each other right now, and should be reunited soon)
-Getting off the phone with her the other day and fully realizing that she is one of my favorite people on this earth.
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