Who are they really? Is there any substance in their cells?
By nature, they're reactive. Having conversations with them is validating because their responsiveness makes you feel heard. But what do they think? What's going on in their mind? Something meaningful, or just a series of reactions leading to adjustments in behavior?
Social chameleons are like bubblewrap. Everybody loves bubblewrap. Bubblewrap is a thrill; it responds to your touch, and interactions with it often leave you feeling satisfied for the moment. I think we can all agree that bubblewrap is a dang good time.
But when it comes down to it, bubblewrap is only filled with air.
And you reach a point where you realize that interactions with bubblewrap aren't an exchange.
You can give, but all that will come of it is a few stocatto pops and then, the tiniest little poof of useless air discharges into the wide expanse of the world.